VR Therapy - Everything You need to know

But up until recently, VR was only utilized in conjunction with in-person therapy, thus this was usually done on a small scale. This is beginning to change with the latest technological advancements, making it possible to include a virtual therapist. Thus, a licensed professional therapist is not always required to supervise a patient's course of treatment.

We are now providing gameChange VR therapy to individuals with psychosis at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH) through five mental health teams located throughout Manchester.

When compared to standard care alone, the RCT revealed that VR therapy helped lessen agoraphobia symptoms and distress in everyday settings. We are currently looking into how we might incorporate the technology into our regular clinical services.

Tragically high levels of agoraphobia plague many individuals with psychosis, and routine events like riding the bus or going shopping frequently cause excruciating amounts of tension and anxiety. They so frequently find it difficult to leave their houses.

Our service users can experience commonplace scenarios through virtual simulations in the comfort of their own homes by using the gameChange headsets. They receive guidance from a virtual therapist who assists them in practicing being in real-world settings, such a shop, café, or doctor's office, during the VR sessions. In this sense, therapy can be accessed without having to leave the house and visit a clinic by those who suffer from extreme anxiety and anguish when they consider leaving the house.


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